Friday, February 1, 2008

Becoming NERD!!!

Okay, I've spend this last 2 weeks reading, this is really really suck!! why? because the non-original dvd stands in PTC were all close!! Damn.. while I'm still in the middle watching Kdrama BAD LOVE by Kwon Sang Woo, the cute sexy him!!
I've read His Dark Material Trilogy by Philip Pullman :
1. The Golden Compas
2. The Subtle Knife
3. The AMber Spyglass

I read it because I've just watched the movie which played by Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman that I think was a good movie, great effect..And one think that makes me really really interested in the books was beacues it said that there's an atheist site that Philip Pullman wrote on those books. ANd I just wanted to check it out!!
And I do agree with those statement, I won't tell you why. I'll just let you borrow the books from me if you want to know and read it yourself. The sory itself was interesting but somehow I just felt boring while reading it..

It's totally different when I read Harry Potter #7, the book is really really totally 100% interesting, I can't stop readin and keep reading it, I only spend 2 days to finish it!! From the very first chapter we already feel the thrill. A lot of actions and also a lot of death. But it's amazing!!! trust me!!

and currently I'm on my way finishing Eldest, the 2nd books of the Christopher Paolini trilogy.. and as soon I finished it, I've prepared The Bartemius Trilogy.. which start with The Amulet of Samarkand..

Reading is a good thing to do
it'll give you a lot of new knowledge
it'll give you thrill, sadness, exitement, etc...

it doesn't have to be a 'heavy' books
a 'light' books, fantasy, romance, actions
It'll give you something to learn

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