Monday, April 28, 2008

The Bond The Clover and The Musketeer

It’s decided..
I’m going to study culinary, after I graduate in this whole communication major..
And I’m going to choose Baking and Pastry as my specialty. Thanks to my honey, caca, for supporting me..
Well, I still a ‘lil bit confused about where would I go. Should I go to Singapore, US.. And I need to consider about my famz financial condition bcoz I’m not from those rich and wealthy famz.. Haha.. but I do believe anything is possible if we put our mind on it. If we really want it, there’s got to be a way.
Opening a business with my friends will be really exiting. We’ve been best friends for more than 5 years, and we know all of our negative and positive side.. so I do believe that our team work will be great. Money or any selfish act won’t tear our friendship that easily. I believe that we’re much stronger than that.
Maybe we’ll have a different mind, we’ll argue, but we’ll make it trough.
I know we will…

Money, Greediness, Selfishness, Lust of fame, Anger..
Any of those seven deathly sins
It’s there.. There’re exist..
But I believe our bonding as The Musketeer Street to pursue our dreams together is much stronger than that. Just like The Four Leaf Clover, symbolize eternity.. And it’ll bring luck to all of us.. Fame, Wealth, Health, and Fateful Love.
We’ll carry on..
Because we’re not just friends anymore, we’re family.

If you ask me, witch one is more important for me between friends anf famz.. then I'll said "they're equal". My friends are my Family.. and My family are My friends..

The Bond..
The Clover..
The Musketeer..

It's my street, our street.. where there'll be no traffic jam.. It's got a lil rocky road, but it has a priceless scenery where we'll see smiles, laughter, tears, anger, anything
That I'll treasure forever..

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Proud to be an "O"

Di Jepang, ramalan ttg seseorang lebih ditentukan oleh golongan darah
daripada zodiak atau shio. Kenapa? Katanya, golongan darah itu
ditentukan oleh protein-protein tertentu yang membangun semua sel di tubuh
kita dan oleh karenanya juga menentukan psikologi kita. Benar apa tidak?

A : terorganisir, konsisten, jiwa kerja-sama tinggi, tapi selalu cemas
(krn perfeksionis) yg kadang bikin org mudah sebel, kecenderungan
politik: "destra"
B : nyantai, easy going, bebas, dan paling menikmati hidup,
kecenderungan politik: "sinistra"
O : berjiwa besar, supel, gak mau ngalah, alergi pada yg detil,
kecenderungan politik: "centro"

AB: unik, nyleneh, banyak akal, berkepribadian ganda, kecenderungan

Yg paling gampang ngaret soal waktu :
1 B (krn nyantai terus)
2 O (krn flamboyan)
3 AB (krn gampang ganti program)
4 A (krn gagal dalam disiplin)

Yg paling susah mentolerir kesalahan org :
1 A (krn perfeksionis dan narsismenya terlalu besar)
2 B (krn easy going tapi juga easy judging)
3 AB (krn asal beda)
4 O (easy judging tapi juga easy pardoning)

Yg paling bisa dipercaya :
1 A (krn konsisten dan taat hukum)
2 O (demi menjaga balance)
3 B (demi menjaga kenikmatan hidup)
4 AB (mudah ganti frame of reference)

Menurut survey, gol darah yg paling disukai utk jadi teman :
1 O (orangnya sportif)
2 A (selalu on time dan persis)
3 AB (kreatif)
4 B (tergantung mood)

Kebalikannya, teman yg paling disebelin/tidak disukai:
1 B (egois, easy come easy go, maunya sendiri)
2 AB (double standard)
3 A (terlalu taat dan scrupulous)
4 O (sulit mengalah)


Yg paling mudah kesasar/tersesat
1 B
2 A
3 O
4 AB

Yg paling banyak meraih medali di olimpiade olah raga:
1 O (jago olah raga)
2 A (persis dan matematis)
3 B (tak terpengaruh pressure dari sekitar. Hampir seluruh atlet judo,
renang dan gulat jepang bergoldar B)

4 AB (alergi pada setiap jenis olah raga)

Yg paling banyak jadi direktur dan pemimpin :
1 O (krn berjiwa leadership dan problem-solver)
2 A (krn berpribadi "minute" dan teliti)
3 B (krn sensitif dan mudah ambil keputusan)
4 AB (krn kreatif dan suka ambil resiko)

Yg jadi PM jepang rata2 bergoldar :
1 O (berjiwa pemimpin)

Mahasiswa Tokyo Univ pada umumnya bergol darah : B

Yg paling gampang nabung :
1 A (suka menghitung bunga bank)
2 O (suka melihat prospek)
3 AB (menabung krn punya proyek)
4 B (baru menabung kalau punya uang banyak)

Yg paling kuat ingatannya :
1 O
2 AB
3 A
4 B

Yg paling cocok jadi MC :
1 A (kaya planner berjalan)


Yg paling panjang umur :
1 O (gak gampang stress, antibody nya paling joss!)
2 A (hidup teratur)
3 B (mudah cari kompensasi stress)
4 AB (amburadul)

Yg paling gampang gendut
1 O (nafsu makan besar, makannya cepet lagi)
2 B (makannya lama, nambah terus, dan lagi suka makanan enak)
3 A (hanya makan apa yg ada di piring, terpengaruh program diet)
4 AB (Makan tergantung mood, mudah kena anoressia)

Paling gampang digigit nyamuk :
O (darahnya manis)

Yg paling gampang flu/demam/batuk/pilek
1 A (lemah terhadap virus dan pernyakit menular)
2 AB (lemah thd hygiene)
3 O (makan apa saja enak atau nggak enak)
4 B (makan, tidur nggak teratur)

Apa yg dibuat pada acara makan2 di sebuah pesta :
O (banyak ngambil protein hewani, pokoknya daging2an)
A (ngambil yg berimbang. 4 sehat 5 sempurna)
B (suka ambil makanan yg banyak kandungan airnya spt soup, soto, bakso
AB (hobby mencicipi semua masakan, "aji mumpung")

Yg paling cepat botak :
1 O
2 B
3 A
4 AB

Yg tidurnya paling nyenyak dan susah dibangunin :
1 B (tetap mendengkur meski ada Tsunami)
2 AB (jika lagi mood, sleeping is everything)
3 A (tidur harus 8 jam sehari, sesuai hukum)
4 O (baru tidur kalau benar2 capek dan membutuhkan)

Yg paling cepet tertidur
1 B (paling mudah ngantuk, bahkan sambil berdiripun bisa tertidur)
2 O (Kalau lagi capek dan gak ada kerjaan mudah kena ngantuk)
3 AB (tergantung kehendak)
4 A (tergantung aturan dan orario)

Penyakit yg mudah menyerang :
A (stress, majenun/linglung)
B (lemah terhadap virus influenza, paru-paru)
O (gangguan pencernaan dan mudah kena sakit perut)
AB (kanker dan serangan jantung, mudah kaget)

Apa yg perlu dianjurkan agar tetap sehat :
A (Krn terlalu perfeksionis maka nyantailah sekali-kali, gak usah
terlalu tegang dan serius)
B (Krn terlalu susah berkonsentrasi, sekali-kali perlu serius sedikit,
meditasi, main catur)
O (Krn daya konsentrasi tinggi, maka perlu juga mengobrol santai,

AB (Krn gampang capek, maka perlu cari kegiatan yg menyenangkan dan
bikin lega).

Yg paling sering kecelakaan lalu lintas (berdasarkan data kepolisian)
1 A
2 B
3 O
4 AB

I got it from here :

Haha, I'm proud to be an "O"

Monday, April 7, 2008

This Is My Freaking Shoe!!!

okay.. I think enough is enough..
just stop it!!
stop telling me what to do
stop telling me what I should be
stop telling me anything about me...
just SHUT UP!!!

here's the thing, I know what I like and I certainly know what I want. And I know who I am.. I am a rebel, a true rebellion, I'm dedicated myself to be it. So, when u tell me what to do or what I shouldn't do I'll just turn it upside down..u know what I mean?

I'm a straight forward person, So I'll tell you what I like and what I, if I were u, I'll back off!! the more u pushing me, the more I'm pulling away..
The more u giving me this "whole" crap, the more I hate it!!
But, thank u.. it makes me realize that I really am hate "those" world..

I don't want anyone but be to determine the shape of my life
I don't want anyone but me making the decision about my life
Live in your own life, stop living in mine..
stop making me to be like you
I am who I am.. I'll walk on my own shoe and you won't fit on it!!

Thank u for listen, or read...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Let The Sixth Sense Talk

Tarot.. Fortune telling.. ohh..I love those things…
Yesterday in aMOre, once again I met Ms. Rosa, a smart and wonderful PR which really really friendly and nice to me. She brought her friends, Singgih. And it turns out that she and her friends having those sixth sense things.. So I got them to read me..

From the first card, which I forgot the name of the cards..I’ve been told that I have some dark past, but I’ve got over with said I got “something” that I really really want in the future, it said that right now, I have this worry inside of me (which I said yes, because honestly I’m scare as hell about my path that I choose), but I am a very lucky person because I have a lot of great friends and family that support and love me..and it said that to reach my goals I have to “divine timing”, I need to focus on what to do first before I do another things.. So that I get what I wanted, because I got the “answered prayer” card.. yay!! And in love life I got this three cards : blessing, children, and friendship
Which mean that I’m not thinking about romance right now, but one day through my friends I’ll get my partner of life.. yay!!

From the second cards, tarot:
Again he said that I have this dark past, but it’s all over because based on the card right now, I’ve been moving forward and life my life with full of passions.. Then got “the fool” card, which explain I am a naive person that doesn’t want to hear what anyone in my surrounding said.. But I am a tough, a strong and a brave person.. and I got “age of wands” which explain that my dream can come true (the picture it’s a big tree that grow in the top of stones)..but I have to keep my guard up because if not, something or someone will hurt me or bring me down… then he said I got this great card which I forgot what the name is, that said I’ll be a successful person but… my partner of life will be bigger that me… yay!!

Haha… I love it.. for me.. all we have to do about fortune telling is just take what the positive and be aware fro n the negative ones… your life is much much bigger than your palms.. your life is worth more than a tarot card… our life is a wonderful live it!!!

Special thanks to KoHan, without him I wont be able to met Ms. Rosa.. and his friend, Mr. Singgih…
And to my friends and fams.. thank u for making me a full of spirit and loving person…