Monday, August 11, 2008

'Till Death Do Us Part

Death.. it comes.. it’ll come to all of us. The only questions we can’t explain about death is “when”. I can’t answer it, your mom can’t answer it, the doctor can’t answer it, even the priest can’t answer it. The only one that can control death is GOD. He can take us anytime he wanted to.

Ourlife is just for a rent. We pay them by living our life and make it into a precious life, and if GOD suddenly want to take the life that he rented for us it’s up to HIM. We can’t run from it. And the thing is..we can’t even predict it.

So when?? 50 years.. 40..30..20..10..8..5..1 or maybe months..weeks.. days..tommorow?! now???!

We don’t know, we ‘ll never know!!

So we better pay our rent quickly by living our life in the best way we could.. We don’t want GOD turning into some cruel Debt Collector right!?

So.. Strating from now..
Let’s do anything we want to do, saying anything we want to say, just anything..
Because when the time stop..
When our turn comes..
We won’t leave this world empty handedly
We bring memories..moments..
Laughter.. Joy..Tears..
But we’re not just leave like that, we stay..
Yes, some part of us will stay.. in our beloved friends and families hearts..

So, 'till death do us part, let's make memories to remember..

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