Monday, April 28, 2008

The Bond The Clover and The Musketeer

It’s decided..
I’m going to study culinary, after I graduate in this whole communication major..
And I’m going to choose Baking and Pastry as my specialty. Thanks to my honey, caca, for supporting me..
Well, I still a ‘lil bit confused about where would I go. Should I go to Singapore, US.. And I need to consider about my famz financial condition bcoz I’m not from those rich and wealthy famz.. Haha.. but I do believe anything is possible if we put our mind on it. If we really want it, there’s got to be a way.
Opening a business with my friends will be really exiting. We’ve been best friends for more than 5 years, and we know all of our negative and positive side.. so I do believe that our team work will be great. Money or any selfish act won’t tear our friendship that easily. I believe that we’re much stronger than that.
Maybe we’ll have a different mind, we’ll argue, but we’ll make it trough.
I know we will…

Money, Greediness, Selfishness, Lust of fame, Anger..
Any of those seven deathly sins
It’s there.. There’re exist..
But I believe our bonding as The Musketeer Street to pursue our dreams together is much stronger than that. Just like The Four Leaf Clover, symbolize eternity.. And it’ll bring luck to all of us.. Fame, Wealth, Health, and Fateful Love.
We’ll carry on..
Because we’re not just friends anymore, we’re family.

If you ask me, witch one is more important for me between friends anf famz.. then I'll said "they're equal". My friends are my Family.. and My family are My friends..

The Bond..
The Clover..
The Musketeer..

It's my street, our street.. where there'll be no traffic jam.. It's got a lil rocky road, but it has a priceless scenery where we'll see smiles, laughter, tears, anger, anything
That I'll treasure forever..

1 comment:

Susan said...

vipe babe..ndak update blog lagi??